viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

Boeing may offer US Air Force choice of tankers

Boeing said it has not yet decided whether to stick with its modified
767 tanker, which lost a previous, canceled competition, or go to a
larger 777-based tanker.

Lockheed inks $30M deal with Moroccan Air Force

The Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods will fly on the Royal Moroccan Air
Force's newly purchased F-16 block 50 aircraft.

El lunes se inauguran las instalaciones de Gadir Solar y se pone la primera piedra de Alestis

la colocación de la primera piedra de Alestis supone el primer paso
firme para la construcción de una factoría llamada a ser uno de los
principales nichos de empleo de la Bahía de Cádiz. De hecho, ya tiene
varios contratos firmados, entre los que destaca la construcción del
cono de cola y la panza del nuevo A350 de Airbus, además de otro
contrato con la firma brasileña Embraer, que le garantizan carga de
trabajo para varios años.

VLJs Are Vital, Says LEA...But Not Perfect

Seguimos pensando que son mucha mejor opción los turbohélices, como el
Beechraft Starshop que los VLJ. Pero los VLJ están de moda:

London, England, September 24 2009 – 'Very Light Jets' (VLJs) will
play a key role in the future of European business aviation, but no
one should believe that they will bring easy profits or easyJet

That's the opinion of Patrick Margetson-Rushmore, chief executive of
London Executive Aviation ('LEA'), one of Europe's largest business
jet charter operators.

Robot Wars: The Hal Factor

Rapid technological developments are changing how wars are fought, but
as Predator drones and ground robots are supplemented by bigger,
better and deadlier upgrades, moral and ethical implications will need
to be assessed, Simon Roughneen writes for ISN Security Watch.

.Air Force Resumes Tanker Contest

"What the Air Force presented today is a much clearer and more
definitive bid than we had the last time, where there was a lot of
wiggle room that ended up in trouble," said Sen. Patty Murray (D.,
Wash.), an ardent Boeing backer.

Fighter Pilots Not Allowed To Fight

Women flying F-7s is a very recent development, part of a program that only began six years ago. Pakistan is not alone using women as fighter pilots, with China graduating its first 16 female fighter pilots this year. There are already 52 women flying non-combat aircraft, and another 545 in training. India has female military pilot, but still resists letting the women fly fighters.

24 T-6C para Marruecos.

El mercado de los entrenadores se está moviendo mucho...
La Agencia de Cooperación en Defensa y Seguridad DSCA (Defense Security Cooperation Agency) notificó al Congreso de los Estados Unidos en diciembre de 2007 la posible venta a la Real Fuerza Aérea de Marruecos (Alkowat al Malakiya al Jawiya) de 24 aviones de entrenamiento T-6B Texan II a través del programa de ventas militares al extranjero FMS (Foreign Military Sale) y el Departamento de Denfesa dio ahora la luz verde a esta operación encargando 24 T-6C a Hawker Beechcraft.

Airbus Military 'cautiously optimistic' over A400M flight debut

"We faced some development issues in the past, but now we have overcome them," says Airbus's A400M programme head, Rafael Tentor.

Eurofighter delivers the 15th and final aircraft ordered by the Austrian Armed Forces

Eurofighter delivers the 15th and final aircraft ordered by the Austrian Armed Forces, as the aircraft is rolled out from the the EADS Defence & Security Manching assembly line, located close to Munich, Germany.