miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2009

China to unveil new weapons systems in National Day parade


By Xinhua writer Yan Hao

BEIJING, Sept. 16 (Xinhua) -- Fifty-two types of new weapon
systems developed with China's own technologies, including airborne
early warning and control (AEWC) aircraft, will be showcased at the
military parade celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of
New China.

Further cutting-edge weaponry would include sophisticated radar,
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and satellite communication devices of
the People's Liberation Army (PLA), Lieutenant General Fang Fenghui,
general director of the parade, told Xinhua Wednesday.

BAe recortará 1100 empleos


Actualizado 15-09-2009 12:11 CET

Londres.- BAE Systems, el mayor fabricante de armas del Reino Unido,
recortará 1.100 empleos y cerrará al menos una de sus sedes,
informaron hoy los sindicatos de la empresa.

Fwd: Respuesta de Boeing al artículo de Philip Lawrence


El artículo de opinión de Philip Lawrence que su diario publicó el
pasado 8 de septiembre (Subsidios Airbus/Boeing, un anacronismo legal)
contiene una serie de afirmaciones erróneas e inexactas sobre la
disputa entre Estados Unidos y los Gobiernos europeos acerca de los
subsidios a Airbus. Nos centraremos aquí en dos de ellas.

Subsidios Airbus/Boeing, un anacronismo legal


En 1992, la UE y EE UU firmaron un acuerdo bilateral sobre comercio
para grandes aviones civiles. Este acuerdo ponía límites a la
financiación directa de la UE y a la financiación indirecta para la
industria norteamericana, normalmente subsidios a la investigación del
Departamento de Defensa o de la NASA. La UE se vio obligada a acatar
el acuerdo, pero la situación en EE UU era ambigua, ya que el concepto
de financiación indirecta es bastante vago. La evidencia sugiere que
EE UU no se ha tomado las restricciones muy en serio y que
frecuentemente no ha informado de programas de investigación a las
autoridades del GATT en Ginebra, tal como requiere el bilateral. La
elusiva financiación indirecta ha continuado sin verse afectada, y
Boeing ha conseguido tecnología gracias a programas de la NASA y el
Departamento de Defensa.

Gestair en el punto de mira del Fisco


Según publica en su edición de hoy el diario el mundo, la compañía
Gestair, líder en España del sector de la aviación ejecutiva, esta
envuelta en un proceso de investigación sobre un presunto fraude
contra la hacienda pública por parte de cerca de 50 empresas
españolas, con el propósito de evitar pagar el impuesto de
matriculación , el IVA de importación y el impuesto sobre el
combustible suministrado a los aviones.

Pilots question airspeed sensors' troubled history


The tubes, about the size of an adult hand and fitted to the
underbelly of a plane, are vulnerable to blockage from water and
icing. Experts have suggested that Flight 447's sensors, made by
French company Thales SA, may have iced over and sent false speed
information to the computers as the plane ran into a thunderstorm at
about 35,000 feet (10,600 meters).

EASA bends to industry pressure for evolutionary change


SOURCE:Flight International
Major concessions following consultation about proposed new European
aviation regulations will mean that the new laws governing operations
will prove less of a culture shock for the industry than the original
proposals would have been, the European Aviation Safety Agency has
revealed today.

Dassault’s Falcon 7X Completes Flawless North American Demonstration Tour


Dassault Falcon
(Teterboro, NJ, September 15, 2009) – Dassault Falcon's new 7X
demonstrator recently completed an extensive tour through North
America which included 89 flights over the 21-day tour. Up to 12 legs
a day were flown with only three "off days" during the three week
tour. The aircraft accumulated nearly 70 hours of flight time.

The Reaper Got Reaped By A U.S. Jet

UAV derribado por un caza tripulado para evitar que caiga en manos de terceros


September 16, 2009: The U.S. Air Force reported that it had lost a
MQ-9 Reaper UAV over western Afghanistan on September 13th. What it
didn't report, at the time, was that the Reaper was shot down by a
U.S. fighter.

Impulso Millonario de la Junta para ALESTIS


La empresa aeronáutica Alestis Aerospace recibió ayer un importante
espaldarazo económico después de que el Consejo de Gobierno autorizara
la concesión de dos incentivos, por valor total de 21,34 millones de
euros, con el fin de respaldar los dos proyectos derivados de sus
contratos con la firma Airbus para la fabricación del cono de cola y
de la belly fairing o panza del avión A350, nuevo modelo de pasajeros

Lockheed Debuts New Stealth Drone Concept


After almost 15 years of spying on America's enemies, and occasionally
blowing them up, the venerable Predator and Reaper drones currently
used by the Air Force will have to be replaced, sooner or later. The
Pentagon has put out a contract for the next generation of UAVs, and
Stephen Trimble of The DEW Line has the first shots of Lockheed
Martin's stealthy entry, the MQ-X.

Boeing Meets With Brazilian Industry, Reaffirms Super Hornet as Best-Value Solution


SÃO PAULO, Sept. 15, 2009 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today
kicked off a two-day conference with 140 potential partner and
supplier companies in São Paulo, reaffirming its commitment to fulfill
all of Brazil's requirements with its Super Hornet solution to the
F-X2 fighter competition.

"We are confident that our offer represents the best-value solution
for Brazil, offering the most advanced technology, a proven superior
logistics-support system and a price that is considerably lower than
that of the Rafale," said Bob Gower, vice president of the Boeing
F/A-18E/F Program.

Competitors have been given until Sept. 18 to make further
improvements to their offers, and Boeing is looking at all options.

UPDATE 1-Next months to seal fate of Boeing C-17

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md, Sept 14 (Reuters) - Boeing Co (BA.N) (BA.N) said on Monday its C-17 transport plane program is at a critical juncture and the next months will determine the fate of the company's production line beyond July 2011.

Boeing still hopeful on Brazil fighter jet deal

Boeing still hopeful on Brazil fighter jet deal Forbes
Boeing Says Contract May Create 5000 Jobs in Brazil

C-27J Spartans for Ghana

En Sandglass Estamos totalmente convencidos de que cualquier producto
de EADS, el 295, es mejor que el Spartan...


The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) announced Ghana's
official request for 4 C-27J light tactical transports, to be
delivered with 10 Rolls Royce AE-2100 engines (8 + 2 spares), ...